A Poem On Sea, Sails, & Isles

Have you ever read something, and imagined the scene very vividly -- enough to go look for an image or photo like it? That's what happened when I read the following; I wanted so badly to find a picture! :) Here's the poem bit, and then several paintings I found -- though none of them capture exactly the poem's mood, beauty, and splendor.

"...the sea,
With some fair bark, perhaps, whose sails light up
The slip of smooth clear blue betwixt two isles
Of purple shadow!"
--Samuel Coleridge, 1800

(don't you love watercolor? There's such a luminosity to it!)


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with the medium. Love the way it looks, hate the way I botch it. ;-)

    I think watercolor is a spectacular way to render the sky in a painting. Maybe the water binding the pigment mimics the water in the atmosphere or something. Regardless, I love the atmospheric quality of watercolor.

  2. Beautiful beautiful watercolors!
