
Hmm I seem to be a tiny bit late on this posting thing... lol.... sorry it took me so long this time around but enjoy these pics cause there wont be many August pics ;)
We had some friends over for dinner Kacy made a new friend :D

In which Kathryn tries to brush her new friends hair with a toothbrush.... (the reason why I'm calling her "new friend" is totally not because i forgot her name, totally not.)
4th of July supper!!
I love being healthy when it comes to eating fruit! (Being healthy is being concerned about quality not quantity, right?😂)

Waiting for it to get dark enough for fireworks
The flatbed truck is a great launching pad

Ladonia rodeo!

grill time!
Notice the dead crawdad in the bottom of the pic

Miss "moon shaped eyes" 😂
Katie came up with some of the E's and we had a blast! (we had so much fun cause we weren't worrying about taking pictures, hence the lack thereof) (to many long words in there sry, if any of y'all have trouble understanding that sentence call my sister Elisha.) (I'm ringing her up right now to get my mind straight) (ok that didnt really make much sense) (sry people) (maybe i just like using parenthesis)

The lack of quality on the rest of these blog pictures is due to my iphone.
ICR day with the G's!

And Kuecklehan Rodeo!
This is a selfie from this year...
And a selfie from last year. (not much has changed except for camera quality)
This bucking horse hurt its leg but they got him safely out of the arena to the vet.

a neighbors colt
And the higher trails rodeo! 
Till next time!