A day...

The rising sun is creeping downwards across the autumn-y trees, while the grass lies white and still under its coverlid of frost...


Another view of the frost

A beautiful sunrise -- if one imagines the telephone pole somewhere else! ;)


Need a mower/weedeater/chainsaw/generator/pressure washer fixed? Andrew's the guy to go to!


Having never used a paint spray-can before, I took the plunge for the sake of art -- and spray-painted my frame a gorgeous turquoise! Here it's hanging at the shop to dry.

And in my room

Some special photos:  our family, groomsmen at Beth's wedding, Beth & Erich on their honeymoon, Nathaniel & I having a great time at a costume party, and my dear friend Karen. I enjoy changing photos in this frame, and the ability to display several at once! :)