A thick flock of starlings stopped by for 30 minutes, making the air ring with their noise and darkening trees with the appearance of false leaves...

"Hey!" Here we are at the McK.'s house for dinner.

Ruth still loves sticking her tongue out! ;)

Admiring their new piano

These are the most unusual packing material I've seen yet!

Another view

Guys working at the shop!

We had some neighbors over to dinner for the first time. They had fascinating stories from their 30 years as missionaries in Brazil!

Their grandson Kolton, being taught how to play chess by Stephen. :)

A game the next morning...

And a tea party, prepared and hosted by Deborah!

These cookies were absolutely scrumptious, Deborah!!!

Layered sunset

Wild rose branches

Stephen enjoys chess so much that he'll even play by himself, taking both sides! ;)

Layers of green and frost... I love it!


  1. Those cookies look so good! It is so neat you have got back into tea parties Deborah!

  2. thank you i wish you could be here to enjoy them!
