Life and A Poem

In case anybody is interested, here are a few links about Christmas:
Should Christians have Christmas Trees?
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?
and this one, which is written by Rev. Brian Abshire, who used to be against Christmas:
Rethinking the Pagan Origins of Christmas

Now that the holidays have really begun -- Dad & Nathaniel are home from work! -- we relax and play games and spend even more time together... :) :)

Tools -- in such cheery colors!

Beautiful wrapping paper!

Getting ready to grill hamburgers...

...and the man who chopped the wood and grilled them!

Some of us took a walk when the G. family came over

Dad and cat

I finally got around to painting the metal chair the E.'s gave us -- with a new seat cover, it will go well in the girl's room!

Deborah, Hannah G., Bethany G., and Stephen spent part of the afternoon making beaded animals to send to children in Mexico where Aaron G. serves. They really had fun doing it!

As they worked, Deborah wrote a poem for the occasion, in the best melodramatic-humorous tradition :) ;) :
"We labored for the Mexicans
We did with hearts of gold;
We made them fish and snakes
So they could play and hold.
We labored till our hearts
Sank lower 'til we died--
We labored for the Mexicans,
We did until we died."

The result -- and nobody died in making them ;)

Later, Ben & Micah regaled us with jokes -- we laughed, laughed, and laughed some more! :) :) "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine"

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