Home Again, and A Thanksgiving Meal :)

 It was funny to wake up and see snow at home (no, all the snow for hours upon hours yesterday was not a dream... ;) )!

 Bringing the Fall indoors

 Playing with trip toys as he unpacks -- fun!

 Deborah's teddy bears

 Tuesday, the above is what our back woods looked like. So many leaves had fallen, but yet the oaks still had not changed color. By Monday of the next week, the below is what it looked like:

Quite a change, huh? :)

 Sherman Symphony... their Christmas Pops concert is December 6th (7:30 p.m.) and 7th (3:30 p.m.) at the Sid Richardson Center on the Austin College campus. It should be really fun and festive!

 This special little unexpected gift made my day! :) Thank you so, so much, Deborah!

 Micah bought this ping-pong net, and even though the table's not the official size, we've still been having fun! :)

 Singing as she wraps presents...

 Mary McK. was born last week! Here she is with her grandpa. :)

 The happy parents

 Mom and Mary
 Deborah gets a turn :)

 Katelyn, too!

 Interesting clouds

 Stephen, Deborah and I went on a "hike" on our property to collect Autumn leaves!

 Some of the oaks still are just starting to turn


 A caterpillar makes this little "case" and lives/hides inside while doing his nefarious business... ;)

 I made cranberry jelly -- something that I always enjoy making!

 Now they're starting to pop...

 Deborah and I spent an afternoon helping out at the McK's

 Crystal and her baby

 Mary. Look at all that hair! :)

 The world-famous chef sets up to make pumpkin pie...

We had a Thanksgiving meal on Saturday last week, and invited a few friends and neighbors -- it was so much fun!
 Deborah did a lovely job decorating the tables

 Nature, collected on our hike... :)

 A really good quote. May we show our gratefulness in deeds, not just words!

 Mother made a beautiful spread of special food... (unfortunately, my photos don't do it justice! :( )

 Gathering round the table

 Laughter, stories, and thankfulness abounded! :)

 Ben took some photos of Stephen's ducks, so I thought I'd post them here. :)

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