Visit from B E & T - Part 3

The cookie-makers

Others join in to help...

Travis: "I really think you need a taste-tester to make sure they are good."

Looking at albums...

Daniel (who's in San Antonio) sends Andrew a text... 
"Wish you were here!" :)

Mom & I took a walk, and I took pictures (surprise, surprise)...

Old truck


The false indigo makes such neat pods...


We watched this large garden spider for quite a bit! When a grasshopper was thrown in his web, he'd have it wrapped in silk in 2-3 seconds!!!

Cats & puzzle

Visit from B E & T - Part 4

A restful Sunday afternoon of visiting!

"Yeah right..."

Beth let Deborah use her phone, and she decided to text some of the E's...

Travis texts her back...

Deborah discovers that she's been captured on camera ;)

Erich looking up a diagram...

Erich vs. computer

Next morning -- game time for some!

Explaining how to play

Playing "Sorry!"

"Goodbye! Goodbye!"
It was a fun visit -- we look forward to seeing them all again in a few days!

A Visit from B E & T - Part 2

Travis, Dad, Micah, and Stephen got up early on Saturday to fish in a friend's pond! Here Stephen measures his little catch. :)

Travis had the honor of catching "the big one!" It was big -- a 19 inch-long largemouth bass!

Micah practices his diving moves? ;)

Here's a shot of Travis' fish!

Travis and fish

Deborah cooked up Travis' fish for lunch! The two fillets, cooked, weighed over a pound!


Ben serenades us...

Some of us went to the McK's (finding the G family there :) to see their new baby!

Proud papa


Peeking at the world...

Ruth isn't sure exactly what to make of it all ;)

A cuddly baby!

Beth has always loved babies -- how much fun to think that within a month she will be holding her very own baby! :) :) :)

Mother and baby

Such fun sesame seed art on hamburger buns!

After dinner, Travis, Micah, and Stephen went back to fish...
Stephen caught a big one!

Travis with the small one which he threw back.

Another photo of Stephen and fish :)

Beth & Erich

We watched a documentary on Project Red Flag, fighter pilot training. Fascinating! Thanks, Dad!