Commenting Policy :)

Hi, ya'll!
Just wanted to post two little clarifying details here: 

If you comment, please include your name. Those who don't put their name to their comment may not be posted. 

This site exists to give friends a peek into the goings-on in our life -- it's not a debating platform. :) 

Just some "blogkeeping rules!" :) Thanks in advance for abiding by them. :)

1 comment:

  1. Let’s see here. So far on this blog (and its sister blogs), I’ve seen…

    1. Politically themed posts (vote for Cruz)
    2. Socially/religious themed posts (modesty issues, no pants, abortion)
    3. Racially themed quotes (anti-Islam)
    4. Historically controversial posts (“Confederate” flag*)
    5. Issue posts (pro guns)

    Of course, open dialogue about these issues and others is fine, but scattering these things throughout your social media experience and stamping down on any kind of response from those who may dissent is in poor taste. If you are unwilling to discuss these issues publicly, then you have no business making them public. What’s the point of posting something to challenge another’s view if you aren’t willing to defend your own? By publicly endorsing views which others may not share, and then refusing to take part in ensuing dialog, you have made yourself an inviolable authority over those who may disagree, and that authority is not deserved. Authority in any debate or issue must be earned by sound reasoning and logic, not by making yourself immune to an opposing viewpoint. A playground bully does no differently. At best, this is a sore lack of maturity, and at worst, a pharisaical pride. I would respectfully suggest that you review how you want to communicate your views in public. If you want to change the world, you need to be ready to take the consequences.

    ~ a cheerfully anonymous commenter

    *it’s not really the Confederate flag, nor did it ever represent the entire Confederate States; it is either the Second Confederate Navy Jack or the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia
