Yes, somebody went biking to see what it was like on a bike! ;)


Hawk & crow

Daddy goes down in the cold to bring hot water to the chickens (their waterer was frozen)

Ice is beginning to slide...


Almost like a swag, isn't it?

Finally, this sign actually makes sense! ;)

The ice began sliding off the roof  because of the heat of the house, even though it still wasn't getting above freezing during the day...

By nightfall, it was a full two feet off the roof! 
The dark spot you see in the ice is a piece of asphalt that somehow was on the roof (free roof cleaning, huh?)

We received some photos from Beth & Erich, and they were so nice that I thought some of you might like to see them too:

What a precious family!


  1. Dear Elisha,
    What gorgeous ice pictures! I love all the different perspectives and places you have captured in fairylike white! Really enjoyed them!

  2. I was like to split somethin' when I saw that "beware of ice" sign. Guess it just tickled me. I mean, think about it. Anyone driving through Texas most of the year probably looks at that sign and thinks, "Is that the local government's idea of a joke?" Until we... I mean you... get those whopping ice storms in the winter.

    I guess it's like those 100-year flood plains. You think it's safe to build and garden on them because nothing ever seems to happen, but once in a century... oops. Back to the old drawing board again.

    1. That's exactly why it's so funny to me, too! ;)
      Love & miss you!
