
Winter begins to lose his grip over the wild and native plants...

...though Mom's pansies were never under his harsh rule--they like the cold!

a beautiful face

A new bookshelf!

And this stunning viola for the last!


  1. Oh, what beautiful flowers (and lovely pictures - points for the lovely photographer)! I am going to look up violas; never heard of them before. I've recently discovered that I know little about domestic flowers, having spent most of my time on wildflowers.
    We found to our delight that the former owners of our house planted irsis all over our yard, and they've just come up. Big yellow ones in the backyard, and purple/white ones in the front. Abigail got the name wrong and told Mom that virises were blooming. ;-) We've been calling them our "ladies" because Abigial says they remind her of Victorian ladies dressed in flowing skirts.

  2. "Viruses!" ;) That made me laugh! :) Irises can be so lovely -- they're so fluttery and come in so many beautiful colors!

    The violas are smaller than pansies, and are adorable for their very tininess!!
