Mom and Stephen, taking care the ducks in the morning!

 Water boy!

 Sherman Symphony practice season is on! 
The next concert will be fun and beautiful songs from various operas, and will be held on May 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. :) 
Hope to see you there!

 We got chicks! (100 meat chicks)

 Babies and mama

 They're so cute right now -- but just wait a month... ;)

 And... I apologize in advance, but I'm going to post quite a few redbud photos -- because I love redbud! If you think it looks awful, then quickly scroll past the next few photos... ;)

 This little dell in the trees always looks so invitingly peaceful and pretty...

 Blackberry blooms -- note where they are now, and in a month or so you can find blackberries there!

 Just talking :)

 Stephen has started a blog (yes, really!)! He's been pretty busy taking pictures for it. :)

 Shadows and contrasts

 Taking a walk (I'm almost always lagging behind these two, stopping to capture the little beauties on our road...)


 Kateyn's beautiful rose

 Oops, sorry! I forgot to warn you earlier that there would be more redbud pics further down in this post! ;)

 Green idyll


 Ben's goat Nabisco had twins yesterday afternoon!!!

 They're a pale reddish color

 Taking care of her little one

 Why is this dog running?

 Because Sheriff is chasing him!
(A neighbor came over with a weedeater for Andrew to fix, and brought his dog. When the dog started loping around our property, Sheriff started coming up after him -- though thankfully for the dog, it left with its owner before Sheriff arrived to lay down the law! ;)

I'll close with a fun picture Andrew took -- he's been helping out at the local airport, working as a ground crewman for several cropdusters. :) Here's one of the planes!


  1. What lovely pictures! Those red goats are so unusual!

    1. Yes, the goat kids are sure different this time! The dad (if you remember) was a full-red Boer, so they get the coloring from him, evidently. But it's still so different, after the Nubian color & look we're used to!
      Love to you all!
      Much love,

  2. 100 Chicks!! Are they all for your family? Do you do all the processing yourselves? 25 chickens takes us all day to butcher. :-)

    Your redbud pictures are beautiful...The goat kids are beautiful too. :-)

    1. We actually butcher them at a friend's facility -- if we were doing them by ourselves, it would definitely take forever! ;)
      Thanks for commenting, and your sweet words! :)
      Much love,
