Sherman Symphony Concert this Weekend!

Just to let ya'll know -- this Saturday is the last concert of the Sherman Symphony Orchestra's 2014-2015 season! It will be various arias and choral selections from operas. :)

7:30 p.m.
May 2nd
Kidd-Key Auditorium

Hope to see ya'll there! :)

SA Trip - Part 6

 After church, enjoying the sunshine



 Another pic capturing her "bouncy" run! ;)

Something about her pose looks like an ice skater about to spin... ;)

 She loves her fingers!

 I had a lovely time visiting with Beth & Erich while we watched the little ones...

 Charlotte very carefully filled a cup with leaves and twigs -- and was so proud of herself! ;)

 "Goodbye!" :(

 Art? ;)

 On the road...


 Stephen scrubbed our windshield at one of our stops! :)

The window washing professional shows how it should be done!

That's the end of our SA trip -- a very blessed, rich, fun, and marvelous little vacation! :)

SA Trip - Part 5

 Charlotte started saying a new word: "Ball!" :)


 A quick hair-fix volleyball break... :)

 SUCH fun!

 Deborah and her bodyguard. ;)

 I found this blouse that matched Kandace's at a thrift store, and surprised her by wearing it! ;)

 Late night ping pong!


 Cute girls -- and three trucks, arranged in order of age... ;)

 Spotted on our way to church...

 Daniel was putting up the church sign when our van arrived!

 Such a treat to sit beside these two darlings in church!

 The big sister carefully shows her book to her little sister ;)

 Visiting as we ate afterwards...

 I thought Charlotte's "thoughtful face" here was rather amusing!

 Looking at something on Daniel's phone (Charlotte doesn't want to be left out of it!)

Only one more post to go!