Right before our house guests come... and their visit!

Precious Stephen!

Against the darkness outer
God's light his likeness takes,
And he from the mighty doubter
The great beleiver makes,
--R. W. Gilder

A final clean-up before setting up the beds!

The ready wash room...

The set-up!

I love the curves of the walls at the doors and windows! (The door here is the back door.)

Our guest's have arrived! Here Ryan S. takes a picture of Stephen.

Rachel S.

Ruth and Rachel picking dewberries. We had so much fun, and filled a whole collander!

Dewberries hide under the grasses and other plants and so you have to search for them!

Instead of riding out in the truck for church, most of us walked out to the van. It was lovely!

And now we bid farewell--the time seemed too short!

"Day of all the week the best,
Emblem of eternal rest."
--John Newton

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