The end of May...

Wedding corsages in the making...

The truck's rear end "went out" and we were grateful that a man stopped and let us use his cell phone!

Getting ready for the event!

"This is taking so long I could fall asleep..."

"And the twain shall be one flesh..."

"There is something about a wedding gown prettier than in any other gown in the world."
--Douglas Jerrold

I have never been to a wedding before where the bride had the aura of a queen--Amy was so regal and yet modest! The dress was passed down from her mother.
"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

The bridesmaids posed with the "getaway car", a strikingly similar blue!

Instead of bubbles or birdseed, we showered the couple with dried rose petals! The end of beautiful wedding!

Memorial's Day we played and watched kickball with freinds.

"Run Jaden!"

I read while they ponder...

" Happy is he that is happy in his children."
--Thomas Fuller
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence...

"Eagle of flowers! I see thee stand
And on the sun's noon-glory gaze;
With eye like his, thy lids expand,
And fringe their disk with golden rays:
Though fix'd on earth, in darkness rooted there,
Light is thine element, thy dwelling air,
Thy prospect heaven."
Wild roses

Wild lace
The Parfait's (our neighbors) pasture gateway

Atmosphere Strata!

"That is an awful lot of grime under my fingernails..."

Stephen loves books!

Scooter guy!

The little donkey at the end of the road!


  1. You have wild roses? Oh, I'm envious!

    The wedding looked beautiful!

  2. Yes, we have wild roses -- they were a delightful discovery!! :) The wedding WAS beautiful. :)

  3. I will have to come over next time they bloom. Did you know that I have never seen wild roses?
