Being Immodest Is Like...

This quote is so good, please click on it so you can read it larger! :)

(BTW, I'm NOT advocating drinking alcohol, even if you think you can control it! :) The analogy is good, though)


  1. You don't advocate drinking alcohol?
    How do you reconcile that with the free use of wine on the OT & NT?
    Or the fact that almost everybody drank mildly alcoholic beverages until the temperance movement and modern sterilization methods?

    - a curious passerby

    1. Alcohol is a pretty big topic -- too big to discuss via blog comments! :)
      Note that I didn't say drinking it in moderation is a sin -- but that I don't advocate it. There are too many people out there who thought (or still think) that they can control drinking, and yet have ruined their lives and hurt those around them. And drunkenness is clearly a sin in the Bible. Drinking alcohol is just not a wise thing to start, and even if you can control it someone else may not be able to and they may stumble. Anyway -- too much to discuss here, but just a few thoughts. :)
      By the way, in the future please use your name to comment -- when people comment anonymously it looks like they're not willing to attach their name to what they're saying. :)
      Thanks, Elisha

    2. In case you didn't notice, this post was on modesty, not alcohol. :)

  2. Excelent quote - I love how God wrote the bible to instruct its users to obey his commands AND to seek others best by loving them and living in a way that shows concern for their relationship with God. It goes far beyond simply obeing rules, but gives great instruction on how to truely "do unto others... for this is the law and the prophets". All while respecting the fact that every Christian is fighting against sin, and seeking to live out their faith in a Christ honoring fashion. This is perhaps one of the most critical commands a follower of Christ is to seek to portray in every area in life.

    All to say, thanks for the quote! :)

    Sorry for any typing mistakes - I did it on my cell.

    1. Thanks for commenting Kandace! Great points. I agree 100%!
      Much love,
