The other day, as I read through the "collected poems" book, I was suddenly inspired by a certain poem, and set out to write my own (I'm afraid it's inferior--but it's from my whole heart)... So here it is; I would love to hear your comments on it. :)
An Unmarried Girl Speaks
Life did not bring me wealth or fame,
Nor diamond-girt dresses,
Nor mansions with a great, high name:
"Lady," "Dame," or "Princess."
But there are seven dear ones who call me "big sister;"
And the clear stars, far-off hills, stoop, my name to whisper.
Life has instead gifted me
With quiet at-home joys,
All sweet "trivialities"
Like games with growing boys;
How I thank God for home-grown things: a smile given,
A smile returned -- the jeweled bits that make up livin'!
All the precious brilliant "trifles"
Which fill a life with gain;
Jaded others say "it stifles" --
Can I ever explain?
The smallest task, when done to God, makes the doer rich --
Drudgery? Not at all! In duty we find our niche!
Now humdrum duty to be sure
Has not the witching light
That plays o'er Fame and Self's allure --
Begone, thou foul wights!
Which is better? To slide down Independence's slope,
Or follow Christ's servant tread and find a better hope?
In my home, I daily see
Examples -- I must 'fess,
The Selflessness played out for me
Convicts my selfishness!
Alas! How sinful still I am, how far my goal is --
How I stumble in the way, till I be fully His!
Yet dismay I must never,
And God is granting me
Such joy, peace, delight, as ever
A mortal man could see!
How can I thank Him? He is mine, and blessed me daily,
Overflowing out my cup 'til I can hardly see!
Life hasn't all been a picnic,
Hurtful falshoods do come,
Friends commence to gossip and nick --
But God strengthens through all!
He sees all, and by unjust pain teaches us how to
Comfort others with wisdom gained when He carried us through!
Stuck at home? No! I do dress up
And go to bright soirees;
Or a Music's fair brink I sup --
Life is full, night and day!
Yet sweet -- or sweeter, by contrast? -- is home afterwards,
There -- dearer friends yet: with stories, laughter, fellowship!
Can a heart ever burst with joy?
How glorious I find
Family friendships are not alloy --
Together, hearts and minds!
Loving families aren't made by infrequent contact;
Daily courtesies, smiles, trifles make it, that's a fact!
Being married is joy, God wot --
Also, single home-life;
I'm fulfilled, content, in my spot,
Tho' someday hope to hear "wife!"
When we're in God's plan, then we find grace and happiness;
Happiest is she who scrubs floors, singing -- and looks up, astonished, to see her Prince.
God's grace enfolds me close, and more;
Undeserving I am;
How can I thank my Creator?
Grateful debtor I am!
Above His blue dome, underfoot His fair green carpet --
It's brighter because He's saved me; how can I forget?
Singing, have you ironed piled-up clothes?
Conversed with a three-year-old?
Have you scrubbed a floor for Jesus?
It's joy that can't be told!
My heart is full -- bursting! -- with the blessings God's given;
Have you tried the old, disused narrow way? Have you seen?
--Elisha Ann Wahlquist, July 27th, 2013