Yellow roses in Texas
Gorgeous scenery on the way to El Paso
We saw this young serviceman at two different rest stops!
El Paso rest stop
We did enjoy ourselves--though this candid shot doesn't seem to depict that!
Admiring Agave and some other succulents!
We were driving along around 6:00, when Stepen said he had a quiz for Dad--he would ask a question, answer it, and Dad would tell him if his answer was correct. " Is the answer to 3000 + 3000, 6000?" "Correct!" Dad said. Then Stephen again--"Is 4000 + 4000, 8000?" "Yes!" Stephen again--"4 + 4 is 8 and you just add a thousand!"
Dad then said he would give Stephen a quiz that would be a little harder. " What is 200+400?" Stephen sat awhile thinking, almost gave up, and then said, "Wait, is it 600?"
What a smart little five year old!
The road goes on...