Hi, this is Elisha. Since Beth (your former blogger) is now happily married, I must now take up the mantle. :) So here's some photos from before the wedding -- and a link to photos of the wedding! I hope to add links to the other photographer's pics as they send them to me.
There's only one thing that's a disadvantage when one
takes the pictures and
posts them -- one doesn't get to see what other people like of one's shots. I so enjoyed seeing which of my pictures someone else (Beth) liked. I'll miss that!
Well, here goes!
The Autumn color has been so lovely -- iteven imparts some beauty to our (now)-empty pond. ;)
A funeral. Mrs. Etheridge was a woman who served the Lord all her life; her testimony is such an inspiration to me.
Hangin' out afterwards
What is Deborah so busy doing?
Bubbles for the wedding, that's what!
Art. Also wedding decorations.
Benjamin auditioned, and now is a member of the Sherman Symphony Orchestra! Congratulations, Ben -- you've worked hard!
Mr. E gets a guided tour of our property, courtesy Stephen. ;)
Only a few more days 'til the wedding...
Baking a cake
Getting the shop ready for the party after the wedding...
Wild Persimmon Art
Hard workers!
An interesting upload issue ;)
Couldn't decide which of these two to post, so you get both!
Inspecting a wedding present -- it was all the way from Costa Rica!
Good practice for marriage -- washing dishes. :)
Happy 18th birthday, Daniel!!!
We have SO much fun with the E's!!!
Comic relief
Trying on tuxedos...
How grateful we are for Daddy and Mr. E.
Good talks...
Handsome guy!
Can you see Stephen? He & Deborah enjoyed sitting with Eric & Beth. :)
And here is a link to photos of the wedding (please don't post this link without asking permission):
That's all for now!