Learning To Read

Stephen had his first reading lesson the other day!
He was so absolutely delighted, and caught on very fast to it.

Good job!
We love our Stephen!

Truck Mechanics

Here's our cute little mechanic telling his big brother how to fix the truck

Another Pick-up Photo...

Brave New Look

Forget The Toys!

The Wahlquist boys,
Just got a "new" truck!
With 4X4, it
Won't get stuck,
The rust is thick,
On its cream skin,
A Ford it is,
Our trucks are kin!
We traded it for,
A broken car,
And speedy "cart",
With which we part,
The seats are red,
(Or used to be)
It's head is dead,
(lack of battery)
We've seen it run--
So we know it does,
"To the parts store"
We will buzz.
Lots of fun,
For many boys,
This truck holds--
Forget the toys!

The "New" Pick-up!

This is the pick-up the boys just traded our (broken) car and go-cart for!
You can see it is similar in color to our truck--it even has the horizontal stripe detail.

Side View.

"It's so cozy to ride in my "dump" truck...hop in the back and you will see.."

Governor Gumpas' "hair".
(Governor Gumpas is one of the possible names for the pick-up. He was a generally rusty person, and did have red hair!)
More Later!

To keep you Updated

This blog has been started for our family's enjoyment and yours, and to promote creative photography and writing. It will also give us an easy way to review the providential things that have happened to us, and the many delightful adventures of our lives. we hope you enjoy it!